Friday, November 27, 2009

Type 1 on Supernanny

Tonight's episode of Supernanny featured a five year old boy named Aiden with Type 1.  The show did a pretty good job of describing different aspects of the disease, including showing a list of famous people with Type 1.  It showed several quick clips of an insulin shot and something immediately identifiable as a glucometer.  There was some mention of how serious it was, but no specifics about complications.  They did a cute finger puppet show about the "balancing act" between carbs and insulin.

The very end of the show featured a video message from a professional snowboarder, Sean Busby, who is a proud Type 1 diabetic.  (The video message showed him prominently displaying his insulin pump.)  He had a special message for Aiden, which was very touching.  Sean's website is here; he runs regular snowboarding camps for diabetic kids.

I wish Aiden and his family the best - I couldn't imagine living with this at his age.


  1. I wish I had seen the episode. I'll have to try and watch it on-line.

    As for your comment on my post... yeah the scale is a bit much, but since Elise is so little, 3 or 4g of carbs can make a huge difference in her BG. I've seen it go up by about 50 from just 3g. So I use the scale to be more accurate.

  2. I understand you have your reasons. I think going the anal-retentive route is far better than the alternative. Everyone seems to know someone who doesn't take care of their diabetes at all, and those results are uniformly tragic.

    My limited experience says I'm fairly sensitive too, although some of that could also be stress reactions. I count very carefully, and I've done fairly well so far.

    My best to you and Elise. I started this blog in part because I saw the Diabetes Shirt designs on Death of a Pancreas, so it means a lot that some of the DOC people who inspired me are now starting to visit. :)

    Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  3. Your comment on my last post means a lot to me. The reason I started my blog was to reach out to others who are going through the same thing as I am. I am amazed at the wonderful people I have met so far.

    I've enjoyed reading your blog... especially where you explained the importance of snacking!

  4. Well, Joanne, thank YOU. :)

    The thing I've come to appreciate is that we have many voices in the DOC, and we all talk about different aspects of our lives and experiences.

    I remember seeing one post a few days ago that talked about feeling weird licking extra blood off a finger after testing. Felt pretty normal to me!

    It's good to know that there are others who have similar experiences and similar struggles. It makes us all stronger, I think.
