Saturday, November 7, 2009


I've been running a little high the last couple days.  Flu's been running through here, so that may be it.  I've been behaving diet-wise, honest. :)  My numbers are high, but not outrageous.  Averaging closer to 150 than 130, which is what I'm shooting for.  I had a false alarm last weekend, that I think was brought on by eating too many nuts for snacks.  This time, I haven't been snacking, and everyone around me is coughing.

So...I've been making progress in the software.

Any software project is all about compromises, and this is no different.  One approach in uncharted waters is to throw something quick together, and see how you like it.  Keep the parts you like, fix the parts you don't.  Of course, you may wind up having to do that several times.

For most applications, the thing that will control everything is the way you store your data.  I'm using PostgreSQL, which is an incredibly powerful free database system.  For the moment, I'm using a Perl CGI interface to insert data via Web forms.  One nice thing about Postgres is that it is easy to get data out of it with just about any programming language, so when I get to the graphing part, it may be in Perl or Python or even something like R.  (Since those can all interface with the data fairly easily.)

Over the next few days, I'll post some of the data I'm tracking, why I'm tracking it, etc.  (Most of them are straightforward and obvious.)  I'm looking for input about what's important to people, so if you have strong opinions, feel free to leave a comment.

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