Thursday, November 12, 2009

First Low

Well, I had my first certified hypoglycemia event today.

I should have known it was coming on when I went into the break room and saw some sugar someone had spilled on the counter and stared at it just a little too long...

I went back to my desk and felt a little faint.  I tested and...67.

I could tell I was dropping, too.  I was slurring, and having a hard time completing sentences.  I grabbed some lifesavers (I always keep some handy) and ate half a roll.

Then followed a brief walk to a meeting with a friend of mine...I remember he mentioned a movie, mathematics, and some other things but no real details.  I remember he said the movie was Friday, and I remember asking, "What day is it again?"

I started my watch timer when I took the lifesavers.  Just after 15 minutes post-lifesavers, I tested again, but I knew I'd be OK - I felt something almost like a pop at about 10 minutes and I felt normal again.

Strange thing, this disease.

After lunch (which was large, and carb-loaded, but I think I bolused correctly) - 328.

Ketone test - negative.

10 units of insulin - check.

After an hour, I was back down to 107.  And munching on lifesavers again to prevent another low.

It's a good thing I enjoy rollercoasters. :)

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