Monday, December 28, 2009

Post Holiday Post

Resting in the lull between Christmas and New Year's.

Christmas went well.  I've had some days where my averages are a bit higher than I like, but nothing earth-shattering.

I've snacked a lot less this year than I have in years past.  I can't say I don't miss grabbing a handful of cookies, whether homemade sugar cookies, oreos, or whatever else is handy.

One thing I've noticed is that I have gotten very cold sensitive, which is unusual for me.  I used to have incredible cold tolerance, even for a kid from Michigan.  (I once did a dorm fire drill in shorts and a t-shirt in the snow, and I was fine.)  Just before my diagnosis, I noticed a definite change in my ability to tolerate cold, and it seems to have gotten worse in November and December.  We don't get too much cold weather here, but it's affecting more than I think it should be.

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