Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things...

My four year old son has taken quite an interest in my treatment.

When I come home, sometimes he will point to his finger, which is his way of telling me it's time to do a blood test.  (He thinks the strips are cool.)

Last night, he wanted to help me take my Levemir.  He pulled up his shirt, pointed to his stomach and said, "Shot!"  (Sometimes he'll pinch up some skin, too.)

So he watched while I did my nightly levemir.  When I was done, he wanted to put the big cap back on the pen.

It was the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.  He obviously doesn't understand all the details, but he knows it's important and he's being supportive.  And cute, which it's hard not to be at his age.


  1. That is so cute! Elise now likes to "help" us when we give her her shot. She usually guides our hand to the spot, and pretends that she's helping us push in the syringe. She also likes to pretend to check our blood sugar.

    They get it, even at such a young age.

  2. Yes, they do. They watch us more closely than we realize.

    My son was very cautious about actually touching the strips until I showed him that wasn't how the poking was done. I just tapped the business end on my palm a few times and said "See? No blood."
