Saturday, October 31, 2009


Happy Halloween, everyone!

I told someone yesterday that I wish I had been diagnosed a month or so later.  (My official diagnosis date is 10/2/2009.)

I was kind of kidding.

I've always loved Halloween, more for the treats than the dress-up.  I remember when I used to consume large numbers of fun-size Twix and anything else I could get my hands on.  Maybe I should have realized there was something wrong with me when I didn't gain a lot of weight from those episodes.

Yesterday, I took my son to a work-sponsored Halloween party.  It's a three-story building, and we set up Halloween decorations throughout the building.  They defined a "Monster Trail" or specific path through the building, with lots of people dressing up and handing out candy to anyone who was going through.

This was harder and easier for me than I thought it would be.

It was hard because every other time I'd been involved in the acquisition of large amounts of candy, I knew I'd get to enjoy as much as I wanted.

Now that I'm living under diabetic discipline, I have to be a lot more selective.

It was easier than I thought it would be because since I started insulin, I haven't had the insane carb cravings that used to define my diet.

So I spent over an hour walking through a place where there were probably tons of candy (I'm not exaggerating), and I knew I shouldn't eat it.

I managed to do the whole walk with my son without sneaking anything myself.  Honest. :)

Later, as we were tallying our hoard, I ate one fun-size Heath bar.  9g carbs.  I'd bolused for 60 carbs, and I was on the low end.  So, Happy Halloween to me!

It was delicious.

I keep telling people that living with Type 1 isn't living a life of monastic denial.  Most of the time I believe it.  Sometimes I wonder.  I can enjoy a lot of the things I always have, but in more moderation.  That's going to help a lot in adapting, I think.

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